Q: Is GFS的化学物质 ISO certified? What exactly does ISO 9001 certification mean?
A: The letters refer to the International Standardization Organization. 注册到适当的ISO名称表明符合制造和商业管理关键方面的特定标准和实践. 这确保了公司的官方程序和协议始终适用于材料和内部流程的控制. If you would like a copy of our ISO Certificate, you can 在此下载.
A: Since we are a primary manufacturer of a wide range of chemical products, it is very likely that we can provide you with a product you need, 以最具竞争力的价格, and with the personal service that only a family company can offer.
Q: Does GFS的化学物质 regularly add technology to its manufacturing base?
A:我们通过定期开发和获取新技术来与客户保持同步. 我们的工程专业知识最近使我们能够将Farchan实验室的乙炔和液氨化学物质纳入我们新的有机生产操作中.
Q: How does GFS的化学物质 sell its products?
答:网络注册时时彩目录提供了3000多种化学品的研究和实验室数量. 大批量(公斤到吨)的要求得到及时答复并直接销售给客户. 许多客户也可以通过当地经销商方便地购买GFS化学的产品.
Q: Does GFS的化学物质 regularly ship its products to foreign markets?
是的, GFS的化学物质是全球市场上广泛客户的散装和特种试剂的主要供应商. Our products can be purchased directly from our 俄亥俄州 office, or from a number of distributors in Australia, 亚洲, 欧洲, 和加拿大.
Q: Is security a prominent issue at GFS的化学物质?
A: Even before the events of 9/11/01, GFS的化学物质 was implementing new controls in all its production environments. 这包括更严格地限制进入涉及化学制造的地区, 分布, 和存储. 已经提供了新的双向无线电,以改善构成工厂运作的各个建筑物之间的连接. Matters of safety and security extend to GFS employees, 客户, and also to the transportation agents that convey chemical products.
Q: Why do you need to know how I'm going to use the chemicals I buy?
答:一般网络注册时时彩生产业务没有获得FDA或任何其他政府机构的认证,不能生产直接用于食品的化学品, 药物, 或者美容应用. 如你需要化学品作上述用途,坚富化学无法向你出售. 许多与这些行业相关的客户确实购买了GFS化学的产品,用作合成化学品的反应物或中间体, but not as additives to their consumer products.
Q: What other restrictions might affect the way I do business with GFS的化学物质?
A: There could be a number of things. 我们不能将化学品出售给与公认的企业或机构没有联系的个人. 将化学品运送到居民地址是个问题,因为没有办法确保立即收到, which is necessary to keep the material from falling into the wrong hands. 有几种化学品由于被归类为药物前体而在分销上受到限制. 这些和其他限制和指导方针是为什么网络注册时时彩和其他信誉良好的化学品公司需要大量信息才能为您建立客户账户的原因. This is a process that protects everybody.
Q: What about bulk chemical manufacturing for production use?
答:批量生产受TSCA第8(b)条规定的EPA清单指导方针的约束. 制造未列入TSCA的材料需要提交制造前通知. 买方有责任确保从GFS的化学物质购买的任何产品在TSCA下获得使用批准,并在需要制造前通知时通知GFS的化学物质.
Q: Where does the issue of TSCA compliance come in?
答:法律要求我们尽职尽责,确保网络注册时时彩的产品由合格的个人购买和使用. 未列入《网络注册时时彩》清单的化学品, it is imperative that such materials are used only for R&D的目的, 由合格的技术人员能够理解和沟通各自的危害.
A: The company has about 140 employees; the production site occupies about 20 acres of land, and the corporate offices are situated on 75 acres in Powell, 俄亥俄州, 哥伦布北部的一个郊区. 超过45,000平方米. ft. 工厂的产能是可用的.
问:谁拥有GFS化工? Is it a division of a large company?
Q: Where is GFS的化学物质 located?
A: Our manufacturing plant has been at the same location in Columbus, 俄亥俄州, USA since the company was founded in 1928.
Q: What do the letters GFS stand for?
A: They are the initials of our founder, Professor G. Frederick Smith, Professor of 分析 Chemistry at the University of Illinois.